ForeverHome Wiki

You've probably noticed when monsters die they explode in a dazzling display of dark energy. A Radiate Shard can be used to trap this energy before the monster vanishes. Simply use the skill on a monster during battle and it will be transformed into a crystalline structure called a Ray! You should weaken them first though. Weaker monsters are much easier to Radiate.

-Girl in Blaze HQ Lobby


Radiating enemies in Forever Home is similar to "catching" a monster. You need to weaken the enemy or inflict status effects to increase catch chances.

Things to note:

  • Radiate rate goes from 1 to 250
  • Enemies with a rate of 250 are a special case that are always caught 100% of the time
  • Human type or story character battles cannot be radiated (like Judgement Faction soldiers). Some machine enemies (like Sentry robots or Junk) cannot be radiated.
  • Bosses are automatically radiated upon defeat. If they are not then you will be given an opportunity later to fight them again.
  • An enemy at 100% HP will
  • Radiate user's level increases chances. At lvl 1 there is no increase. At lvl 100 chances are doubled. At lvl 200 chances are tripled, etc.
  • A negative status on the monster multiplies chances by 1.2
  • Using Radiate II (or Asera's Ray Tube) multiplies chances by 1.1 and adds a flat 3% increase
  • Having the Ray Ring equipped multiplies chances by 1.2 and adds a flat 2% increase


   radiate_chance = ((3.0*mhp) - (2.3*hp)) / (3.0*mhp) * (1.0 + (level / 100.0)) * rate
   if has_bad_state?
     radiate_chance *= 1.2
   if radiate_II
     radiate_chance *= 1.1
     radiate_chance += 3
   if ray_ring_equipped
     radiate_chance *= 1.2
     radiate_chance += 2
   if random_num_1_to_100 < radiate_chance
     catch = true

NOTE - The mhp and hp part of the first line is just for the monster's remaining health percentage. Real HP and MHP values aren't necessary. At full hp the line can be simplified to:

 0.23 * (1.0 + (level / 100.0)) * rate

At 1% HP the line can be simplified to:

 (1.0 + (level / 100.0)) * rate


  • mhp is the monster's Max HP
  • hp is the monster's current HP
  • level is the radiate user's level
  • rate is the monster's Radiate Rate


Monster Max HP Radiate Rate Average Case Best Case
Blob (#1) 95 250 100% (1 try) 100% (1 try)
Apex (#38) 100 20 16% (~6 tries) 56.3% (~2 tries)
Birch (#78) 3112 8 6.4% (~16 tries) 25.9% (~4 tries)
Deadwood (#82) 5600 8 6.4% (~16 tries) 25.9% (~4 tries)
Gold Shield Bug (#107) 8 4 3.2% (~31 tries) 15.7% (~6 tries)
Phantasm (#108) 4198 6 4.8% (~21 tries) 20.8% (~5 tries)
Depravity (#113) 6300 5 4% (~25 tries) 18.3% (~5 tries)
Diamorga (#126) 2155 8 6.4% (~16 tries) 25.9% (~4 tries)
Apextu (#127) 12 10 8% (~13 tries) 30.9% (~3 tries)

Average case assumes:

  • Monster has 50% HP
  • No negative status effects
  • User is level 30
  • Radiate I is used
  • No Ray Ring is equipped.

Best case assumes:

  • Monster has 1% HP
  • A negative status
  • User is level 60 (even though 500 is best this uses 60 because it's a more reasonable sample)
  • Radiate II or Ray Tube is used
  • Ray Ring equipped on user